To be honest: Iceland is not the cheapest country in the world but it has its own style. Over the years, Iceland developed its own fashion scene which is influenced by the Scandinavian design. Therefore, strieving around the shopping street in Reykjavik is a must-do; you might find an extraordinary piece of design or souvenir.




The quality of fish and sea food is outstanding. The daily offer reaches from salmon over shark to herring – dried, smoked, grilled or marinated. Due to its freshness, Icelandic chefs trust on the taste of its own and therefore, do not use many spices or ingredients. Thousands of salmons and trouts can be found in the Icelandic rivers. Another Icelandic specialty is lamb, especially leg of lamb, but also saddle of lamb and roast are popular among the Icelanders. During the hunting time, reindeer and snow grouse are added to the menue. But meat is not the only thing on the menue; all year long vegetables are widely grown in greenhouses heated by geyser-steam. But the most popular food in Iceland is the curdled dairy product Skyr. The sale of wine and spirits is strictly regulated, but the selection is big. Brennivin, a local potato snaps, is a “one of a kind” and not for everybody. Icelanders are coffee lovers and in most cafés you pay for the first one and get free refills.


The most popular souvenir are all kind of woolen things with the typical Icelandic pattern – sweaters, blankets, jackets, scarfs, hats and gloves. The glazed pottery from Icelandic clay and pulverized lava is inspired by nature. Original design can also be found in crystal artefacts. In gold and silver jewelry, opals and moonstones are used. Books are also an Islandic specialty – especially the richly illustrated saga books.